Monday, January 26, 2009

I will be with you

But Moses said to God, "Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?" 12 And God said, "I will be with you." (Ex 3:11-12)

God calls Moses to a seemingly enormous task. One too big for Moses. Moses rightly asks who is he that he should undertake the assignment. God's reply is simply, "I will be with you."

In my own life, there are many times when God calls me to do something 'big' (to my fear-stricken heart, it's big anyway). Halfway through the assignment, I usually get stricken by thoughts of inadequacy, fear and the notion that "God, I'm in way over my head here." Then I struggle with doubts over whether God is greater than the enemy, and I'm sure the enemy is glad to keep me there. This is why one of my resolutions this year is to simply know God better - not to learn more doctrine, or theology - just to know God better, per Tozer's advice below.

A.W Tozer writes, "When I think of the angels who veil their faces before the God who cannot lie, I wonder why every preacher in North America does not begin preaching about God - and nothing else. What would happen if every preacher just preached about the person and character of God for an entire year - who He is, His attributes, His perfection, His being, the kind of God He is, and why we love Him and why we trust Him? I tell you, God would soon fill the whole horizon, the entire world. Faith would spring up like grass, by the water courses. Then let a man get up and preach the promises of God, and the whole congregation would join in chorus "We can claim the promises, look who made them!" This is the confidence, this is the boldness.

When God calls us to do something we cannot do in our own strength, His only assurance is "I will be with you." What a great assurance - if only we knew how BIG, how POWERFUL, how FAITHFUL is our God, who cannot fail.

Prayer today: O God, I want to grasp fully just how great is the assurance contained in those five simple words "I will be with you." Help me know you so intimately that I will not fear even in the face of insurmountable odds, because then I will be able to say, "I know whom I have believed!" In Jesus' name, Amen.

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