Monday, June 1, 2009

Treasure in all earthen vessels

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Eph 6:12)

Recently, God has been putting on my heart the idea of prayer evangelism. So I've been starting to look at my neighbourhood slightly differently these days. I usually walk down one street from my house to the main road, and the other day, as I did so, I began to notice one neighbour here burning paper money; another worshipping with joss sticks, and wondering... Perhaps its something God is birthing in my heart; I'm still waiting on Him to see where it's all leading ... but in the meantime, am studying more on the subject. Along with it, I picked up a copy of John Dawson's book "Taking Cities For God" at the YWAM talk on Saturday.

YWAM's Dean Sherman reminded us in his spiritual warfare class of Eph 6:12 - that our struggle is not against flesh and blood. People are not the problem. I've heard that teaching before. But while reading John Dawson's book, I learnt another nugget of truth: that not only are people not the problem, God has placed in each one of us a piece of Himself. Everyone, even unbelievers, has the potential to be used greatly for the kingdom, if only they might be saved.

Writes John Dawson: "It is easy to to identify the motivational gift of unsaved individuals and to see what their ministry would be if they were saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. For example, John Lennon would have been a minstrel-prophet like King David, and rock guitarist Jimi Hendrix could have been an excellent worship leader."

"I once set out to convert the manager of a local pornography store. We had breakfast together on Wednesday mornings for several weeks. He believed everything I had to say about Jesus, but he would not take the final step of committing himself to follow the Lord. One morning, I said "Ron, you're a tough guy on the outside, but inside, you're soft. You have what the Bible calls a gift of mercy. If you would allow Jesus to take over, you would become the kind of person to whom others would come for healing and comfort." For the first time he looked at me with real hope in his eyes, and that was the day he made Jesus his Lord.

I can identify with that. Someone I know was the most fervent idol worshipper for years. When she was saved, she became one of the most fervent lovers of God I know. I believe firmly with all my heart, when fervent idol-worshippers come to know Christ, they are super-potent instruments in the hand of God, because they KNOW how to worship. They just changed their allegiance.

What this has taught me is that we really need to recognise that God sees beyond the flaws, weaknesses, and depravity of people. Instead, he takes note of their potential and destiny in Christ Jesus. The lesson I need to learn is to see people the same way God sees them. To recognise that even when they are difficult, God loves them and so should we. Because our war is not against flesh and blood.

And there is treasure in all earthen vessels.

Prayer today: Father God, teach me not to be quick to judge others who are flawed, or difficult, or adversarial. Help me to love them, and not to be provoked by them. Help me to see them as you see them. For our war is not against flesh and blood. And there is treasure in all earthen vessels. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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