Saturday, February 23, 2013

Healing at a sushi bar

Wonderful testimony from my friend Dean who is Japanese American, and who was bringing the love and power of Jesus to others in his everyday life. I think that's what it means by being supernaturally natural. Simply fabulous!!
Our team went to eat at a sushi bar on our last night in Kochi Shikoku. We sat in front of this sushi chef. When he found out I was from Hawaii, he asked, "Why are you here in Kochi?" I told him for church. He asked, "What do you do? Evan...gelism, teach, missions, what?" We said, "Training!" He said, "I don't believe in spiritual things?" Tetsuro, explained that we just came from a time of praying for healing at a church in their city. He asked, "Do you do exorcisms?" Tetsuro replied, "Yes, he does that too!" The chef was a bit shocked! Then Tetsuro asked, "Do you need healing?" He replied, "No, I am really healthy! I don't have any physical problems!"
Then the Lord spoke to me, "Ask him about his wrist?" So I did! Immediately, he was in shock! He kept saying, "Who told you that?"  He shared, he had problems with his wrist but never told anyone about it. Not even the other sushi chefs. It would happen when he made the egg. Apparently, he just started at this restaurant and he was the lowest of the chefs, so he had to fry the eggs for the sushi.
First when I asked if he wanted prayer for his wrist, he said, "No!" Finally he allowed me to pray for it.
I knew the Lord had already healed him, but so not to panic him completely, I asked if I could touch his wrist. He said, "Okay," then stuck our his hand over the counter. I just touched it for about 2 seconds, then said to him, "Try it out!" He started moving his wrist in circles and said, "Huh? How did you do that?" He was even more in shock as he realized his wrist had been healed that simply." I shared that the Lord had spoke to me about his wrist and that opened the way for him to share about his wife who is experiencing demonic problems. Then I told him, if he gave his life to Jesus, Jesus would use him to heal people and cast out spirits. Again, he was shocked, and said, "How do you know that?" I said, "Kami sama (God) told me!" I also shared that he has this gift, but only Jesus can unlocked it." He staggered and said, "Long ago, a shinto priest told him the exact thing and that up to the age of thirty he could see things but it stopped." It was all true!

 I knew I could have led him to the Lord, but I felt Jesus stopped me. Instead, we wrote the salvation prayer down for him with the address of the church we visited. The head chef who was listening and standing next to him in the center area, said to him, "Give him your mesh! (Business card) So we exchanged our cards. As we left I took this picture of him, he was all smiles, and said, "I will go to church! and bowed very low to me!" Sometimes before we can lead people to Jesus, just as important is that they can find a community to fellowship and be supported in ... especially for people in Japan!

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