Sunday, June 27, 2010

Psalm 23 to music!

Stumbled upon this wonderful video of Psalms 23 set to music and gorgeous paintings!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Jehovah Nissi - The Lord Our Banner

Tuesday night, I had a terrible, terrible nightmare. When I woke up, I was quite disturbed in the spirit. Was it a coincidence that only a few days before, we had an awesome time with the Lord in an overnight prayer, when all of us felt the presence and power of God so tangibly, we believed we had advanced God's kingdom? It seemed to me that the Evil One was saying again to me, "Back off!" I am not naturally courageous by nature, so this disturbing dream did shake me somewhat.

But God is gracious. All this week, I am attending a prophetic conference, and as part of exercising our prophetic gifting, we had to ask the Lord for a word for one another. Given how shaken I was, I prayed to the Lord, "Please God, give me a word that I need." And the sister who prophesised over me gave me just the word I needed by reminding me of my calling in Him.

Then at night, the Lord prompted me to revisit something he's been laying on my heart - which is to KNOW him, REALLY KNOW him... his power, his majesty, his goodness, his lovingkindness. So I decided to spend some minutes reading Herbert Lockyear's "All the Divine Names and Titles in the Bible". The name I needed - for my situation - was Jehovah Nissi, the Lord my Banner.

Here's what Lockyear wrote, which was revelatory to me, and which so blessed my heart:

Explaining Jehovah Nissi from Psalm 23:5 "Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies", Lockyear says, "We might well ask, 'What has a banner to do with a table? Well, banners and banquests are a suggestive combination. 'He brought me into His banqueting house and His banner over me was love'. In our human way, the banquet follows the battle, and successful leaders and victorious troops are entertained and feasted. But here is loftier conduct. The banquet is spread before the battle because the banner is already victorious. Even though we live in the midst of foes, ours is the joyful privilege of living in fellowship with Him who is our Banner, our Defense."

Amen, and amen.