Saturday, August 29, 2015

ACS clocktower revival prayer meeting (Once more and much more)

"In 1972, the Lord poured out His Holy Spirit upon a group of young boys as they prayed in the ACS clock tower. It was one of the significant events that helped mark the beginnings of the Charismatic Movement in Singapore, the fruit of which has blessed us these 43 years."

These were the words of an invitation that went out recently, to encourage believers in Singapore to once again come together to pray and contend for revival to break out in our nation.

The date of the meeting was exactly 80 years from the day John Sung arrived in Singapore in 1935, which triggered a massive revival among the overseas Chinese.

I felt stirred to attend this meeting at ACS Barker, and when I walked in - woah! The presence of God was so strong in that hall (the Mrs Lee Choon Guan Concert Hall). The water levels were pretty deep!

But what moved me to tears was hearing the under-30s share their heart. One common theme to emerge was just how sold out they are for the Lord. The deep longing of their souls for more of Jesus moved me to tears. Another common theme to emerge was how they longed for spiritual mothers and fathers, spiritual mentors to walk alongside them in their journey. A third theme was that they wanted us (older peeps) to give them the freedom to express themselves and walk out their lives in the way God has called them. They didn't use these words, but the sense that I got was that we cannot try and force-fit them into our pattern, like putting new wine in old wineskins.

Hearing them, I realised that indeed, this younger generation is a different generation. They may be young, but God has given them such a capacity, such an anointing, that they already feel like they are surpassing my generation in terms of hunger for Him, revelation and understanding, and longing for His Kingdom. I felt like my heart was bursting listening to them. I thought I would attend this meeting to pray for yet another clock tower revival in our land, but as one of the speakers said, he believes God will do "once more and much more".

YES indeed! We are digging the wells of revival in our land, and from last night's experience, I know the Lord is near. The time of breakthrough is not far, if we will just press in as one body, across the generations.