For a while now, I've heard snippets of the Clock Tower Revival at ACS Barker in the 1970s, but they have just been bits and pieces. So when a friend passed me a little booklet "The Clock Tower Story: The Beginnings of the Charismatic Renewals in Singapore" (edited by Michael Poon and Malcolm Tan), it was exciting to me. Finally! Here was the complete story of what transpired at ACS so many years ago, when the Holy Spirit fell upon a bunch of young boys, whose lives were so indelibly changed, that a number of them became pastors in the Methodist Church in Singapore.
In a nutshell, the ACS Clock Tower was a place where groups of students gathered together for regular prayer. In 1972, the Holy Spirit moved upon the students "in a dramatic way ... the result was similar to the experience of the apostles at Pentecost". Nearly 30 years later, the students described it as "a move of God", "outpouring of the Holy Spirit", "baptism of the Holy Spirit", and "speaking in tongues". It was such a big thing at that time that two articles appeared in The Straits Times.
Given I have been thinking about revival for some time, here are some thoughts as I read this account that happened in Singapore nearly 40 years ago:
1. A prayer movement preceded the revival. As Malcolm Tan recounted it, "It cannot be denied that there was a very powerful prayer movement that was going on here in school prior to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. And if you walked up Barker Road Hill in those days, you will see groups of ACS boys - five, three, four - just praying in the sanctuary of the Barker Road Methodist Church. Not only was the church full, but also the clock tower was full. Boys were meeting and praying."
2. There was such a tremendous zeal for prayer, the students used every opportunity -recess-time, before school hours, after school hours, to cry out to the Lord. I believe that God cannot resist the hunger and thirst for Him. As Noel Goh put it, in 1971, "we started to gather to pray, and we prayed every recess. Every recess, we would run to the clock tower. And when we hear the bell, we would quickly say 'Amen' and run back. It was quite a distance back to the Pre-U block. We would just be on time there panting away in the classroom".
"Sometimes, we would come before seven o'clock to pray before school starts. If we did not have prefect duties, and other duties, sometimes we would also stay back after school to pray. I remember we used the church garage. We took chairs there after school and would kneel there to pray until four or five o'clock and then go back."
3. Conditions must be right for the Holy Spirit outpouring. Some lay down their lives to lay the foundations for this, and it is only the ones that come after who enjoy the fullness of God. We must always honour the ones who go before us, because truly, their ceiling is our floor. Revival comes when the different generations are as one.
Malcolm Tan: "I wish you could feel the spiritual fervour in those days as people like Noel Goh, who led us in the Christian Fellowship. They were into Scripture memory, personal evangelism and prayer. And they influenced us in the younger generation."
Tan Khian Seng: "Rev Noel Goh was like John the Baptist who blazed the trail in the prayer movement. When he vacated the clock tower because he was slightly older, we took over."
4. If our experience does not square with the Scriptures, it is not because the Scriptures are wrong. The boys, who came from a Methodist background, did not know the Holy Spirit, having come from a more traditional conservative environment. But "they searched the Scriptures", and were convinced that the baptism of the Holy Spirit was right and true. Given this, they pressed in to God, asking that if this was true, that He should make it real in their lives. God responded to this, as He would. I love the simple faith expressed by Tan Khong Chew, "We went into the Word, took it at face value, and claimed the promises that God has given us. We began to see things happening in our lives."
5. Genuine moves of God can meet with tremendous opposition, both from the world and even the church itself. The Straits Times on 7 Nov 1972 reported that "some students who have been taking part in religious meetings after school hours have ended up either in hysterics or in a trance".
This doesn't surprise me. The world doesn't interpret the church, the word interprets the world. So when the world interprets the church, is it any surprise that it condemns or derides that which it doesn't understand?
But what was stunning to me was that the church condemned this movement too. In the ST report on 11 Nov, it was said that church leaders at 4 mainline Protestant churches likened the renewal to "a certain religious cult with unhealthy practices ... the trouble with young people is that they think it is a great experience to end up in hysterics".
6. God works behind the scenes to take care of all our needs. He prepares the way in advance, knowing what we need. After the clock tower revival, the school authorities clamped down on the boys meeting, so that they could mostly only meet with a teacher present. As one of the boys said, "Because most teachers were not willing to be with us, we could not meet."
Funny thing is that at this time, a Rev Hugh Baker, a veteran Pentescostal preacher, had his beautiful premises at Clemenceau Avenue taken away and he and his wife had to move to Bukit Timah. Said Rev Baker, "My wife and I were talking about this move, and we said certainly God must be going to do something great. We did not know about all of what was happening in ACS at that time." Because Rev Baker's centre was near ACS, he was the one who opened his house to the boys, and ministered to them often, teaching them about the things of the Holy Spirit.
7. Ps Melvin Huang: The hunger for the word, the hunger for prayer and the desire to preach the Gospel were the hallmarks of the revival.
8. I thought this musing by Rev Baker sums up this little known but glorious moment of history in ACS, which then spread across Singapore, and across denominations, beautifully:
"There is nothing in ourselves that merits anything from God. But God in His mercy and his grace and love sees the hunger of our hearts and the channel that is open for the moving of His Holy Spirit. And He begins to pour His Spirit into that channel and that begins to spread out. God was looking for channels.
"He found channels in ACS. He found channels in Swiss Cottage. He found channels in the Anglican Church. He found channels in the Methodist Church. He found channels in the Catholic Church. He found channels in the Baptist Church. And that's a miracle. He found people who were willing to be channels the Holy Spirit could move through. And in moving through, we begin to touch lives."
Finally, love this prayer as prayed by Rev Baker.
"Father, here I am. I just want to be the channel that you can use to ignite the revival that will not only spread across Singapore but will spread out to the rest of the world. And the world will come to know the glory, the majesty and power of your name. And the free flow of your Holy Spirit will demonstrate to the world the power of a living Christ. Thank you, Father, thank you, Father, thank you, Father."
To read about how the ACS clocktower revival was the epicentre of the 1970s charismatic renewal, click here.
This is great, but I wish the book had been better edited. It's fragmented, repetitive, and not clear in its chronology if it weren't for the timeline by Malcolm Tan which was only inserted in the 2nd edition. As it stands now, the reader has to piece the story together him/herself from the many different fragments.
ReplyDeleteI am a parent of two ACS Barker Road boys. I have been trying to piece together the Clock Tower story for many years.
I was thrilled to have gotten the book last night. I read it in one sitting, staying up till 1am. The booklet was like a simple record of some recollections at the old boys reunion. I don't think it was meant to be a "proper" book.
I am praying that a proper book will be written when the present students have another encounter with the Lord - a second touch, a second crossing (the first is the Red Sea, the second the Jordan). The second book should also include the forerunners of the Clock Tower Revival - particularly Peter Chao who was transformed as a teenager and started preaching to his classmates, forming the "Eagles" "gang"...in 1968 and bringing many students to Christ. His friends like John Ng and Michael Tan were among the early founders who are still in ministry.
I am thoroughly encouraged to pray for the latter rains to come...this year!
This year is the 40th anniversary of the Revival which did not impact youths from from ACS alone, but also youths in Singapore in general (St Andrews, Raffles Girls and even Catholics).
This is a significant moment - 40th year is timing for a new generation of youths to awake and arise! The Joshua(s) are to take up the torch from those of Moses's era to enter the promise land!
Mr Ng Eng Chin, former Principal of ACS Barker Road, used to ask us parents not to judge the school nor its students by the number of As in the "O" level results - but by the characters of its students forty years later.
In 1972, the authorities (including the church, and teachers) thought that the boys were "demonised" or on drugs or under mass hysteria. Years later, they were vindicated.
Seeing how those "culprits" from the clock Tower have become the "who and who" in the church and in business arena is proof positive that The BEST IS YET TO BE!
Thank you for sharing. I can only say a loud amen to that!
ReplyDeleteInspiring story. Waiting for the next wave of God as we pray :)
ReplyDeleteHi, I am a current ACS(I) boy, year 3 and just want to share that some of us are encouraged by the clock tower revival and are praying for another one. Just yesterday, we had our worship session and the presence of the Lord was so real and all of us were filled by the Holy Spirit, manifested in different ways. Some spoke in tounges, some cried, some laughed and it was a great encounter.
ReplyDeleteI really believe that He has started to move again and greater waves are coming!
Please keep praying for encounters and revival, starting from the school.
God bless!
Wow, that is so awesome. Thank you for sharing. I am so moved by the hunger of you boys. Keep pressing in for more. We long for more of your presence, Lord!
DeleteHello, I am also an ACS(I) boy, and Fernaldy and I both share in the same prayer and worship group.
DeleteAbout 6 months ago we gathered and felt a spiritual conviction to pray for revival in our school and community, so we arranged for regular bible studies, and daily prayer in the mornings, where we would come before the Lord and seek personal renewal and rededication to Him. We slowly grew in size as the Lord convicted more and more people and we praise the Lord that we've grown to quite a large group of youth with a fire for revival, and a thirst for the Lord to meet us in new and refreshing ways everyday. As my brother mentioned above, He poured Himself on us in power the other day and he continues to do so everyday in our QT, in our prayer and especially in our worship.
Once we were your typical 2nd-generation Christians, youth who were violent, vulgar, church-going for the sake of it and the list goes on as you see these type of people everyday. But the Lord convicted each and every one of us of our sins and past wrongdoings, and we laid them all at the cross. Now through our own journey of spiritual renewal, I thank God that He has placed a burden in each of us to live through and by the Spirit, walking closely with Him each step of the way and being examples to our friends and classmates.
But I do not say this with a boastful heart. We praise the Lord for all He has done through us and with us and we hope that he will use us if it is His will - for revival of lost souls in our school. For now we thank God it is an awakening in the Christian community - but we look ahead for more and pray that the Lord would shower unbelievers with His Spirit for revival in His time and place.
It has certainly been a long 40 years since the Lord first touched students like us - a generation number. We pray that the Lord will use us to accomplish His will in His own time. Our stories may never be recorded - they have no need to be, all Glory goes to the Lord. But we just ask that you keep us in your prayers as we seek not only a school-wide, but a national revival that strikes the very heart of the cold and dry nation we now are.
To God be the Glory, the Best Is Yet to Be!
Yo, Mr Jonathan Ng called me (long distance) to tell me about it.
Deletevery exciting for the upcoming one.
will put the 1999-2001 mini-revival in record too
Wow, thank you for the honest sharing. When I read both yours and Fernaldy's account, I just feel the pleasure of God upon what you boys are doing - your seeking of His face, your consecration, your worship, your pressing in for more of Him.
ReplyDeleteIndeed, a broken and contrite spirit, He will not despise. And... blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.
Am praying for rain upon all of you, upon our land ... praying for Rivers of Living Water, praying for Ezekial 47 to be a reality.
Am really excited about what God is doing among you young people. Keep running the race, keep seeking His face, keep pressing in for more! May He grant you strength to persevere, and may the embers of His fire keep burning!
We're having a Christian talk on 21st Feb at YMCA of Singapore entitled: “The Clock Tower Revival: After 40 years, what now?” by Rev. Malcolm Tan. You may check out this link for more details: http://www.ymca.org.sg/enews/clocktower.jpg
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing Gardiola. I will try and be there!