Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dreams ... and 2010

Today is the last day of 2009. As I reflect on the year gone by, I cannot help but be thankful for the many blessings bestowed by God this year. I thank God for friendships, the Korea silent retreat, iDTS, the Mt. Carmel School of Ministry, the Wesley prayer team, the Cornerstone Community Church, and everyone who has journeyed alongside me in Christ all year. I thank God for stretching me beyond my comfort zone (through my boss, He made me do more public speaking this year than suits my personality ... although I thank Him because I recognise that this training is useful for preaching and sharing my faith and testimony in front of large crowds :P I also thank Him for the inspiration for this blog (which came from the Wesley prayer team) ...

God has a calling on each one of us. This sermon by Lance Wallnau is worth listening to - the synopsis is this:

"Every Christian has an assignment to release God's glory on earth. We are called to be His kings-priests who administer His authority and invade systems. Being an overcomer involves aligning ourselves with God's kingdom purposes on this earth. Overcomers exercise authority to liberate nations and manifest the unseen realm and the glory of the age to come."

What has God called us to do? Sometimes, we get an inkling in what He has gifted us to do, and what we enjoy doing. For me, it's writing. I love to write. I once had a discussion with a friend about what I would love to do in heaven for eternity. Yes, we will worship God forever. But I believe we will also have roles (or assignments), which we do to the glory of God. No, I told my friend, we won't be floating on clouds and playing our harps all day long. So ... what would I like to be doing in heaven? I hope I get to be a scribe. According to Wikipedia, "A scribe is an ancient occupation. A scribe's job involved reading and writing, especially during the Renaissance. Being a scribe meant writing letters, and historical records for kings, nobility, and temples." I would love to be a scribe for the King of Kings, Lord of Lords. To write the prayers of the saints, and the historical records of the goodness of the Lord :) But ultimately, God knows best, so I'll do whatever He assigns me to.

What would you like to do? Please share.

Happy New Year! :)


  1. heheheh, I see you as a heavenly scribe!

  2. U do? Thanks Kat! :) That's v encouraging to me. Heh.
