Saturday, May 5, 2018

Billy Graham National Stadium crusade, Singapore (1978)

For those of us too young to remember, the Billy Graham crusade took place at the National Stadium for five nights, from 6 - 10 December, 1978. It united 237 churches, drew 337,000 attendees, and recorded 12,000 conversions. It was at these meetings that Billy Graham prophesised over Singapore our destiny to be the Antioch of Asia.

2018 marks the 40th year of this prophetic word (In the Bible, 40 years, 70 years or 100 years all signify a generation).

It marks a transition year: what the Lord is saying, and what He will do, I know not yet. But there is a significance to the times and seasons we are in; would those of us who love Singapore press in to hear the Father's heart for our land?

An earlier generation paid the price to bring the gospel to Singapore and Asia.  Only let us keep the fire burning in our generation, too.

"One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts" (Psalm 145:4)

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