Sunday, April 15, 2012

I have made known to thee the path of life

This week, in my busyness, I forgot God. It made my heart restless and I became antsy and somewhat empty but did not know why. Then God reminded me from Psalm 16:11 "You have made known to me the path of life. In your presence is fullness of joy, at your right hand are pleasures evermore." In that instant, it hit me - and my heart was pierced. All week, I was not walking in life. I was relying on my own strength, going about my business, forgetting the life source (the vine that I as a branch am rooted to). I had not spent time with Daddy God, hardly spoke two sentences to Him. No wonder my joy was diminished, and my heart wasn't stilled.

The Lord also reminded me of this old hymn - "Nothing but the blood of Jesus". Spending time listening to it, singing to it, refreshed me. It ministered to me. It blessed me. It reminded me of the basics - that Jesus' blood makes me whole, makes me righteous, makes me accepted in the beloved.

This morning at Cornerstone, an amazing thing happened. For the past few days, my upper back has been in excruciating pain, and it was quite unbearable. All yesterday night, I was thinking of which masseuse to go to, to get some temporary relief. It didn't dawn upon me to pray ... I guess when it comes to physical healing, I am still a bit of a doubting Thomas. I know it happens conceptually, but it's an assent at the head level, not at the heart level. Anyway, this morning, when Ps Yang released a word of healing for the congregation from the pulpit, in that instant, the power of the word hit my belly/ Spirit, and I felt the tangible power of God surge up my spine. It was incredible! The pain started to subside, and now, nearly 10hours later, it is almost completely gone!! I am still in wonder at it all. It is just amazing to witness for myself first hand the power of God in physical healing.

I have made known to you the path of life, God says. It all started at the Cross of Calvary, when He shed His blood to atone for our sins, and reconcile us to the Father. I have come that you may have life, and to have it abundantly, He says. Oh praise God indeed. May I tap into that life source, from whom comes blessing, and love, and fellowship with an all-loving God, wholeness and healing. I am among all men most wondrously blessed!! :)

ps. After I posted this, the Holy Spirit showed me that the line "You have shown me the path of life" has path in the singular. There is ONE path, not multiple paths. Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6) "But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." (Matthew 7:14) Today, if you are reading this, and do not yet know Jesus as Lord and Saviour, I pray that you will ask Him into your life to be Lord and Master. There is one God-prescribed path to reconciliation with Him, and it is through Jesus, and no other way.

What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Oh! precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

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