Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hearing God's voice

Last Sunday, I went for a pre-trip briefing for my upcoming visit to the Mt Carmel School of Ministry in Israel. There, I met a fellow Wesleyan for the first time, a fellow-tripper. She invited me to attend a small group session at church yesterday night, because her group would be learning to listen to God.

I started practising listening to God or Hearing God's voice as part of the Wesley Prayer Team. I love it because it makes our relationship with God come alive when we realise He loves us enough to speak to us, He wants to commune with us, He knows us. The Word of God says "My sheep know my voice" (John 10:27) - would it be that every child of God is able to appropriate this truth, to seek to know their Master's voice, and to hear from Him directly.

Anyway, so I eagerly said yes, and attended the meeting last night. And as usual, had a great time! I felt the moment I got there that it was a divine appointment - and so it was. We spent time in little groups of threes listening to God for each other.

There is always a risk in giving a specific word. If its wrong, it's major oops. But if it's right, what an encouragement it is, for both the giver and the receiver. So it was for me last night.

A young lady in our group shared that she felt God was asking her to trust Him. For what we didn't know. So we spent some time listening to God for her. And then I sensed God saying, "Tell her not to worry about where she's going to stay." Hmmm. I asked her, "Are you looking for somewhere to stay?" That's when she shared that yes, she's getting married in two months' time, and she and her husband-to-be have been fretting that they would not be able to get their flat in time because the existing tenants were still living there. WOAH!!!!! She was surprised by the specific reassuring word she received from God, and I was greatly blessed, because once again, I left last night praising God that truly He knows everything that is on our hearts and our every anxiety.

Our Abba Father knows everything about us, and He cares, and He will provide for our every need. Hallelujah!

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